Maquette 1
First Townsite House maquette, jacob’s ladder structure.
Maquette 2
Second Townsite House maquette, dos à dos structure.
Maquette 3
Third Townsite House maquette, dos à dos structure with jacob’s ladder hinge in center.
Maquette 4
Fourth Townsite House maquette, codex structure introducing house silhouette image for covers, using text palimpsest and jacob’s ladder hinged rear cover.
Maquette 5
Fifth Townsite House maquette, codex structure with hinged rear cover, introducing embossed house shapes on covers.
Maquette 6
Sixth Townsite House maquette, images have been edited, text page assumes house silhouette.
Maquette 7
Seventh and final Townsite House maquette, image and text have been finalized. The final book work eliminates the hinged cover structure. My thanks to Pierre LeBlanc for his generosity in creating these maquette videos.